EmpowHERed Online - Enrolments Open



The Self-Care Academy is redefining self-care and impacting lives, families, communities and workplaces.

Our purpose is to...

To ignite a transformative shift in individuals, particularly working parents, championing genuine self-care as the cornerstone of wellbeing. To enable individuals to live with purpose, find their unique rhythm, and create a fulfilling life which has positive impacts beyond themselves, impacting their families, workplaces, and communities.

We do this by...

....curating bespoke training, courses, resources, and expert-led sessions, tailored to address the unique challenges faced by government and corporate employees, particularly working parents. At the Self-Care Academy, we prioritise real-world, actionable strategies over quick fixes. By emphasising a holistic approach to well-being, we empower our members to increase self-awareness, establish boundaries, and develop sustainable and supportive habits.

The results we achieve...

... speak to the profound transformational power of genuine self-care. At the Self-Care Academy, we've witnessed individuals transition from feeling overwhelmed to experiencing empowerment, from burnout to vitality. Through its structured modules, participants learn to replace outdated concepts of work-life balance with dynamic, personalised rhythms. This shift, subtle yet profound, has led to enhanced productivity and a renewed sense of purpose both at work and at home. Every testimonial, every success story underscores our unwavering commitment: to redefine the narrative of self-care, making it a pivotal tool for holistic well-being and life fulfillment.

The Self-Care Academy provides corporate and individual training solutions to equip government and corporate employees, particularly parents, with actionable, genuine self-care strategies to increase productivity and enhance work-life balance and overall wellbeing.

For Individuals

The Self-Care Academy offers a growing range on online courses that are available for individual self-paced study. Including the signature EmowHERed course and the increasingly popular Balance Blueprint. Find out about upcoming courses here.

For Teams

The Self-Care Academy can deliver a variety of courses, in person or online, customised for your organisation. Self-Care and Resilience for Teams is an impactful half day workshop that delivers practical and actionable strategies to increase productivity, reduce stress and improve overall wellbeing.


The Self-Care Academy can provide speakers on a range of wellbeing topics, including the life changing power of genuine self-care and values, dieticians and personal trainers. If you have an event coming up Self-Care Academy can provide speakers, facilitators and panellists.

Participant Testimonials

Helen G.

The course gave me a greater understanding and awareness of me and my values. That my decisions need to reflect my values along with boundaries to support my optimal operating environment. Learning to check in with me.

Pam W.

This training really helped me identify what’s not quite right in my life and where I needed to make some changes. The workshop helped me understand what matters to me and how to make changes and new habits in my life to match accordingly. The workshop helped raise my awareness and understanding of all the elements that I need to take into consideration when making choices so I can get to where I want to be.

Erin J.

This workshop really helped raise my awareness to what was happening in my life and kick started me getting on top of my life. It has helped me work out what is important to me and helped me start moving in that direction.

The workbook that accompanied the workshop was great, well structured and led me on a journey. The goal setting tool is great for accountability.

Previous Clients

Contact Us

Just like people, all organisations are different. At the Self-Care Academy we understand the diverse and unique operating environments that different organisation function in. By reaching out to the team we can discuss your training and event requirements and tailor a solution to provide the outcomes your organisation wants to achieve.


Mending the cup: A deeper approach to self-care

Discover how redefining self-care can support employee well-being and lead to resilient, innovative workplace culture. Explore why psychological safety and self-care are essential for productivity and... ...more

Corporate Wellbeing

November 09, 20234 min read

Mending the cup: A deeper approach to self-care

Fostering a Happy Work Environment: How Encouraging Employee Self-Care Can Boost Productivity

Explore the symbiotic relationship between psychological safety and self-care in the workplace. Discover how fostering individual wellbeing can elevate team dynamics and productivity. Essential readin... ...more

Corporate Wellbeing

October 16, 20233 min read

Fostering a Happy Work Environment: How Encouraging Employee Self-Care Can Boost Productivity


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